
Thursday, January 2, 2014

2014 Goals! (I'm not calling them Resolutions)

I know I'm a day late on this, but that's what strep will do to you. Yuck.

I've never been very good at sticking to my New Year's Resolutions, but I do have some serious goals that I want to work on whether it is a new year or not. I thought that if I put them on my blog I may feel a little more pressure to complete them. So here you go...if you can handle reading all of this.

1. Read through the Bible. Man. This is literally on my list every year. I will eventually accomplish it. Hopefully, if it is on here I'll feel like I will be held accountable for it.

2. Talk to more people about Jesus! This one is harder than it should be for me. I have been given the best gift I could ever get (eternal life with my Savior)…why don’t I tell more people about this?

3. Be a better wife. I know what you’ll say when you read this. Oh, I’m sure you’re a great wife. You know what, though? I think I can always be better. My husband is wonderful, and I need to act like it more.

4. Be a better mom. Same as above. I mean really, look at this face.

5. Get and stay organized. I love organization! I love anything that helps me be organized. However, I have a toddler and a husband that aren’t such big fans of it (or at least they aren’t big fans of helping me stay organized). We also live a super busy life, so I need things that help me stay organized quickly! Leave me a comment if you have any tips!

6. Keep the house clean on a regular basis (not just when I know people are coming over). This also goes along with #5.

7. Make some crafts. I have a  “Crafts” board on Pinterest. You can follow me by clicking here. I would love to be able to make some of those crafts.

8. Continue to stick to our Monthly Meal Plan. We have been doing much better about this, but I want to keep it up and improve even more!

9. Blog more frequently.

10. Get a yearly check-up. I have to put this on here so I can be held accountable.

11. Go to the dermatologist. My Papaw found out he had melanoma this past year. His doctor told him that his whole family should get checked because it is genetic. Again, I put that on here so I could be held accountable.

12. Go outside with Eliana more when it is warm. I tend to get busy doing work and don’t go outside enough. I’m hoping this year she can even play in the backyard some while I take my laptop out there and watch her play. However, I do want to make sure that I am playing with her, too.

13. Find more fun things to do with Eliana during the day.

14. Get Eliana out of the breakfast (yogurt) and preschool lunch (pb&j) rut that she is in.

15. Go to Disney World!!! We are doing this later this year, and I am super excited! I have already started researching and looking up tips (it’s what I do…don’t make fun)!

16. Continue to find ways to be frugal!

17. Go to bed earlier. Midnight isn’t cutting it for this 30-year-old.

18. Continue working on turning our basement into a den/playroom.

19. Relax. Try not to feel like you or anyone or anything else has to be perfect. God has everything under control.

Did I really just come up with 19 goals for 2014? That is crazy! Hopefully I can follow-through on most of them! Hold me to it!

1 comment:

Cheryl Taylor said...

That's a lot of goals, but if anybody can do it you can!