
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Eliana - 4 months!

Eliana you are 4 months old!!!

-You are wearing mostly 3-6 month clothing. I can still squeeze you into a few 3-month

 outfits and you can wear 6-month ones, also.

-You are still wearing a size 2 diaper.

- You weighed 14 lbs 8 oz at your 4-month doctor’s appointment.

- You were 24.5 inches long at your appointment, and I’m not sure what your head 

circumference measurement was.

- You did fine while getting your shots again. You looked at the nurse after the 2nd one as if 

you couldn’t believe she did it again. You got a little fussier after these, broke out a little at 

the injection site, and you definitely ran a fever. Dr. Adams told us to only give you Tylenol 

if you got really fussy, but we never had to give it to you. You did wake up in the middle of 

the night for a few nights after your shots.

-You are still refusing to take a bottle. I love nursing you, but sometimes it would really be 

helpful if we could give you a bottle.

-You are still sleeping through the night! However, Daddy decided that when we got back 

from our trip to Florida it was time to move you into your crib in your room. I was very 

sad! You still sleep through the night, but you wake up about an hour earlier every morning 

(6:30 am). I really miss having you sleep so close to us, but I know it’s best for everyone.

- You have gotten better about riding in your car seat, but I started getting really worried 

about it on our trip to Florida. We had to drive to Alabama first (7 hours) because Daddy’s 

grandfather died, and you slept almost the whole way. We stopped in Chattanooga for a 

couple of hours on the way to let you get out of the car. That seemed to help. You only 

fussed once we got to Birmingham, which is only about an hour away from Tuscaloosa. 

Once we left Alabama we drove halfway to Orlando and stopped at a hotel. You did fine on 

that trip, also. The next morning we got up and drove the rest of the way. You fussed a 

little, but it wasn’t bad at all (maybe 2 out of 17 total driving hours). However, once we got 

to Orlando anytime we drove around town during the trip you were fussy. I thought we had 

broken you. We left Orlando and went to Ocala for a few days, and it was the same there. 

We think it was because there was usually someone in the backseat with you, and you 

thought they could save you and get you out of your seat. We couldn’t decide if we wanted 

to drive home in 1 day or 2, but we ended up doing it in 1. You slept almost the whole way, 

and I was very afraid that you wouldn’t sleep that night. It took awhile to get you to sleep 

(midnight), but once you did you were fine. I think you were just ready to play after 

sleeping all day. It was also the first time you slept in your room (6-26-12). It was a rough 

night for Mommy, but you did fine!

-You still go to sleep almost every night without any problems!

- In Alabama we stayed with Daddy’s great aunt, JoAnn. As soon as we walked into her 

house, you had the biggest spit up I have ever seen you have, and it went all over her nice, 

clean floor.

-You chatted through the whole funeral, and I think you were trying to sing with Daddy 

when he was singing.

-You loved going to Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure because there was so much 

to look at!

-You have started turning in your crib. You go to sleep facing one direction and by morning 

you have rotated 90 degrees.

- You pooped constantly in Florida! There were some days where you did it at least 8 


- Everyone thinks you are just too cute!

- I still think you are teething, but I don’t see any teeth, yet.

-You can lift your head to a 90 degree angle when you are on your belly and lift up on your 


-You really like toys now. I bought you a new toy for our trip, and you enjoyed it. We call it 

your Woozle.  Nana bought you an elephant that makes a crinkly sound and its legs are 

designed for you to chew on. You really like it, too. We call it either your Heffalump or 

your Ellie-phant. The Heffalump and Woozle names came from Winnie the Pooh. We keep 

both of those toys in your car seat. Once we got home from Florida, it was like you loved 

toys all of a sudden. When we put you in your  exersaucer you cared about the toys on it for 

the first time.

- You still love your burp cloths.

- You still like to suck on your fingers, but you have also found your thumb. So far, you are 

not a constant thumb sucker, though.

-Your eyes are still stunning, and I love your chubby cheeks and thighs.

-You still love to be held.

-You still enjoy diaper changes.

- You are giggling more now. Sometimes you will even giggle at me when I am feeding you.

-You still get the hiccups a lot.

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