
Friday, September 7, 2012

Eliana - 6 months!!!

Eliana you are 6 months old!!!

-You are still wearing some 3-6 month clothing, but mostly 6 months. I have put you in a 

few onesies that were 6-9 months.

-You are wearing a size 3 diaper now.

- I’m not sure how much you weigh, and your doctor’s appointment isn’t until next week. I 

would guess between 16 and 17 pounds.

- I also don’t know how long you are.

-You are still refusing to take a bottle or sippy cup. You know…the usual.

- You have eaten rice cereal, avocado, banana, and sweet potatoes. You were doing pretty 

well with the rice cereal, and then we didn’t give you any for a bit (oops). Now you’re not 

really thrilled with anything we have tried to give you. Today I tried to give you banana, 

and you just kept spitting it at me. Have I mentioned that you’re stubborn?

- You are really, really wanting to crawl! You can move backwards, and you can turn in a 

circle. You can even get up on your knees, but you haven’t quite figured out how to move 


- You love to give your Daddy and me kisses. It may sound crazy, but you know the word, 

“kisses.” Most of the time if we ask for them, you will give them to us. Sometimes you are 

quite aggressive, and they are always slobbery! I cherish them though because I know the 

time is coming when you won’t give me kisses anymore.

- You have started sucking your lips in, and it is so cute!

-You love your Uncle Tim! He always gets a smile from you, and it is one of the cutest 

things ever! It’s really fun to see your 14 and 11 year-old uncles play with you!

-You are still sleeping through the night! Unfortunately, you are still rolling over on your 

belly to sleep, too. You still don’t want to take naps. Although the last few days you have 

fallen asleep on the way home from lunch, and I have carried you in your car seat into your 

room, and you have stayed asleep for a little while.

- Sometimes you are fine in the car, and sometimes you scream like it is the worst thing 

you have ever experienced! Thankfully during those times you almost always wear yourself 

out and fall asleep.

- You try your best to get people to notice you when we are in public. At restaurants you 

will pick a person and stare and smile at him/her until you get a smile in return. Recently 

you have started being very noisy at restaurants. You aren’t even mad. You just like to 


- Still no teeth!

-We are still working on your head tilt. Hopefully Dr. Adams will say that it has improved 

when we see him next week.

- You still like your burp cloths, but now you are more interested in your toys. Almost 

everything goes into your mouth now…which is difficult on Mommy’s germophobia.

- You can sit up on your own now. You usually tip after a little while or when you try to 

reach for something, but when you first started sitting up, you would get a big smile on 

your face like you were so proud of yourself.

- Now that you can sit up, you will stay in your pack-and-play or crib and play with your 

toys for a few minutes without getting mad that you aren’t being held. Sometimes I lay a 

big sheet on the floor and let you play on that.

- You still suck on your fingers and thumb.

-You still love to be held, but you are getting very squirmy.

-Lately you haven’t liked getting your diaper changed as much… especially when it is the 

first one after you wake up. Sometimes you are still goofy during them though.

-You aren’t getting the hiccups as much anymore, thankfully!

- Your right tear duct is still clogged. I really hope it gets better soon!

- You like bath time. You really like sucking the water off of a washcloth. Once you can sit 

up a little better, it will be time for bath toys!

- You are a ham! You love it when you get undivided attention, and you know how to smile 

for a camera!

- Just in the last few days you have really started babbling. You have been talking to 

yourself in the car constantly! You have also started making a kkkkkkk sound, and spitting 

(for lack of a better word).

- You really like riding in your stroller. We’ve started using our umbrella stroller more, 

and you just look around and kick your feet.

- You grab your feet, but you have never tried to put them in your mouth.

Now that I have caught up on your monthly updates, I am hoping to be able to write 

shorter posts about fun things that we do, and add more pictures of you more frequently. 

We’ll see. Maybe I’ll even add recipes again, but I know the grandparents that are reading 

don’t care as much about that.

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