
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Eliana - 5 Months!

Eliana you are 5 months old!!!

-You are still wearing 3-6 month clothing, with some 6 months mixed in.

-You are still wearing a size 2 diaper, but I’m not sure how much longer that will last. 

- I’m not sure how much you weigh now. I would guess 15 something.

- I also don’t know how long you are right now.

-You are still refusing to take a bottle. I sound like a broken record when it comes to that. 

It’s gotten to the point that we don’t even try very often…although we probably should.

- You have eaten rice cereal and avocado. The first time you had the rice cereal was July 

14th. You didn’t complain or fuss, but you weren’t really sure what was going on. You were 

pretty messy after it. You also liked playing with the spoon. We took some with us to a 

restaurant a few days later, and you did great! You seemed to actually eat more than you 

spit out that time. You’ve only tried avocado a couple of times, and I’m not sure if you like 

it or not. We will keep trying! It was hard for me to give you solids for the first time. Prior 

to that, all of your nutrition had come from me, and I wasn’t ready to give that up. 

Honestly, I’m still struggling with it.

- You can roll from your back to your belly now! You started doing that on July 16th. You 

can roll from your stomach to your back, but you forget that you can. I think you prefer to 

be on your belly anyway.

- You have also started reaching for people if they reach for you first. I love it!!!

- My favorite thing that you do is give us kisses! They are quite slobbery, but oh how I love 


-You still go to sleep almost every night without any problems! We did Ferber you one 

night (7-20-12). You kept rolling over on your stomach as soon as we would put you in bed, 

but it would make you mad. It took about 4 trips into your room at increasing intervals 

before you finally went to sleep. I rarely hear you cry like that. It was pretty hard on 


-You are still sleeping through the night! You make Mommy nervous though because you 

have started rolling over on your belly in your sleep.

- You have gotten better about riding in your car seat, except for the last car ride of the day. 

I’m not sure how, but somehow you know when it is the last ride of the day. You tend to 

pitch a fit unless we play our Adele cd. Usually if we play Adele you will calm down and fall 


- It cracks me up how much attention you get when we go places. You love smiling at 

people! You wanted to be the center of attention at the baby shower I threw for my friend 

Lindsey (7-15-12)!

- I still think you are teething, but I don’t see any teeth, yet.

-We are still working on turning your head to the left. At your 4 month appointment, Dr. 

Adams noticed that you still had a pretty bad head tilt, and you didn’t turn your head as far 

to the left as you did to the right. You are slowly getting better. We try to put your toys on 

the left and get people to stand to the left so you have to turn that way to see them.

-You like toys even more now!

- You still love your burp cloths.

- You still like to suck on your fingers, but you have also found your thumb.

-You still love to be held.

-You still enjoy diaper changes but not as much as you did, which makes me a little sad.

-You still get the hiccups quite a bit.

- Your right tear duct is still clogged. That poor little eye runs a lot!

- You got in a pool for the first time on August 4th. You really seemed to like it, but it was a 

little too cool to stay in it for long.

- You started dropping toys on purpose on July 18th. Yay for learning and developing!

-You like looking at and holding books...which makes this momma happy.

- You make one particular face that Daddy and I call the "crinkle nose." We love it!

- You are absolutely hilarious, and you crack me up on a daily basis.

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