
Saturday, February 22, 2014

Mickey Mouse cookies!

While shopping the other day, Eliana and I spotted some Mickey Mouse sugar cookie dough on sale because Valentine's Day was over. I decided to buy a box because I thought it would be an easy way for her to help me in the kitchen. I'm usually a "make-it-from-scratch" girl, but these pre-sliced cookies had Mickey on them! Ellie immediately called them "Mickey Markers"...a sign that she's watched the Mickey Mouse Road Rally episode a few too many times. Anyway, check out the pictures of our fun!

We don't always wear gloves to cook, but Tanner is getting over the flu.

I held the pan while she placed the cookies on it.

I'm not really sure why, but she told me we had to be quiet while we looked at the cookies. 

We decided to watch Mickey while eating our Mickey cookies.

So...what about you? What's your favorite kind of cookie? Feel free to leave a recipe if you want!

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